How do I get started with Cinch.?
It is as simple as downloading the Cinch. HQ app on the App Store. Cinch. HQ is designed as an iPad app so make sure you have one. You can also download it from the Mac App Store on an Apple computer that is running on an M1 or M2 chip. Once downloaded you can sign in with your Cinch. account or create a new account. Then you will create your organization and you are off to the races.
Do I need to have an iPad?
Kind of. Cinch HQ is only available as an iPad app. It can also be used on any Apple computer that is running an M1 or M2 chip. It is designed as a mobile first application. It is for organizations that are always on the go and need to have their information with them at all times.
Do I have to sign a contract?
No. You can simply download the Cinch. HQ app on the App Store and get started. If at any point you decide that Cinch. isn’t working for you then you can simply stop using it.
Can I export all of my data?
Cinch. is designed so that you never need to create another spreadsheet again. All of your data is available at all times and can be exported whenever you like.
How do I get my members on Cinch.?
You can tell all of your members that they can download the Cinch. app on the App Store and on Google Play. Cinch. is a free download for all users and once users have created their account they will be able to register for your programs.
How do I use Cinch. for marketing?
Users are able to “follow” your organization in order to receive information and updates from you. Each time your organization creates a post you can choose to have your members notified of the post and they will be able to engage with it.
Why do I want people to follow my organization?
By increasing the number of followers that your organization has you increase the marketing reach for all of your programs. If you have 50 followers then each post will be sent to those 50 people. If you have 5000 followers then it will be sent to all 5000. When you post about a camp, clinic, or event the larger your reach the faster you will receive registrations.